Help us give Botox the care he needs
Botox is one of “the originals” – rescued and taken to the temporary horse corral sanctuary by founder Kathy Carroll. When the sanctuary moved to its permanent location 10 years ago, Botox decided the “catfurteria” was the purrr-fect place to stake out his new home. He rarely moved from that area until more recently. Botox has always been a favorite of staff and visitors alike – one of our volunteers even gave him his name, Botox, because he had such a wide-eyed stare. At about 12 years old, he's a senior (kupuna) cat around the Sanctuary.
Sadly, Botox has recently been diagnosed with liver disease. He is stable, but needs ongoing, individualized care. With no veterinarian on the island, services must be flown in to help Botox and others who need special attention. Botox will need ongoing medication, supplements and watchful eyes. As you can imagine, this comes at a high cost.
In general, ill cats and kupuna care take a lot of time and resources, but we are undaunted and relentless in our mission to provide the best for them.
Make a gift today to help us provide costly treatment, daily diligent care and unconditional love to ensure the best quality of life possible for our cats.
Maddy and Doug Callahan love Botox and have stepped forward to match all gifts made now.